Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Bath Time and Naked Time...

OK, so we have gotten to give Micah 2 baths in the past 2 days and they are real baths because he lost his umbilical cord on Sat, and he LOVED it. He practically falls asleep resting there in the warm water while someone gets him all clean and smelling good, it's great!!!
So we probably won't always give him a bath 2 days in a row, but the 2nd one was a necessity! We were just doing a routine change of the diaper before a feeding and Micah was very unusually content with having his diaper changed. It was wet but barely dirty, and Matt was just about the put the clean one on when all of a sudden we heard the sound...the juicy sound that often comes from his rear and is hilarious when he has his diaper on, but this is the first time we were able to see in action how projectile this sound really is. It almost went off the end of the changing table, liquid projectile that covered the table and we could hardly contain our laughter as he just lay there in it not really knowing what was going on...
So, just about the time that is getting all cleaned up, again, noises from down below and more grainy yellow mustard oozing from below, but this time it wasn't as projectile, so it came out and started to role down his back...again with the uncontrollable laughter and yet Micah has hardly even flinched at all that is going as i am at his head lifting up his legs for Matt to clean his back and butt, his little man part is facing me and this is when he decides it is time to pee, all over me and his belly and face...more laughter, and at this point we decide the bath is necessary. So we give him a warm bath that he loves, and just as we take him out and put him in daddy's arms on the towel, he has another urge to relieve himself...luckily in the towel and not on dad...good thing we left the water still in the bath! So we put him back in the water and rinse him off once again. This time we get another towel and get him out again, only to hear the noise and quickly hold him over the tub. When we set him in again to rinse off his behind, he realizes he must relieve himself again, spraying his urine up towards his head before Matt quickly directs it off to the side!! At this point, I am not totally sure how clean he really is, but we hardly dry him off before putting on a diaper and clothes quicker than ever in the hopes of all of us not getting sprayed anymore!! All the way, he is so content, so happy, not a care in the world, and I am sure feeling much better now that all of that junk is out of his belly!! Good times to remember!!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Terrible two's

Ok, so I know I am far away from the actual 2's, but what about 2 weeks?? He is so irritable right now, don't know if it is changing schedules, all the family that was in town, if he is just starting to stay awake more and doesn't know what to do with himself except cry...he just won't be put down. He can be so sound asleep, and then put him down and watch him wake to a screaming cry. It is so sad and so pitiful, and then it is slightly hilarious to put some loud music on (louder than the cry) and watch him instantly calm down and look stinking adorable once again!! This is the cuteness that can occur soon after a good scream...

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Micah is 15 days old today! YAY! And his umbilical cord end finally fell off!! Now we don't have to be so gentle when cleaning and we can try more of a real bath (as if he might like that any better than the washcloth baths we have been giving him, I doubt it!) And we don't have to worry about keeping it dry and using the peroxide and keeping the diapers lower...which I do think has made them fit a little awkwardly (that and the fact that he is so teeny that they can't get close enough to his body to hold in what is supposed to stay in the diaper) and we don't have to feel like maybe we are hurting him...
Well, it didn't actually just fall off...kind of like how matt spent about the last month or two of my pregnancy wishing, praying and even attempting to pull out my belly button so that it would become an was with that determination and excitement that he eventually coaxed the last little bit of cord away from Micah's belly. I have to say the belly button is so much cuter!! Now we have to take more naked pictures without the black cord on the belly...more to come...

Friday, December 19, 2008


I think I could probably get a lot more done during the day while Micah is sleeping, but he is SO stinking cute and so hard to put down sometimes!! I just enjoy holding him and I can't get enough...

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Early Potty Training

It is just the end of the first week of our son's life, but he is so entertaining!! I could just sit for hours and hold him and listen to him and watch his many different faces that he makes in his sleep; and I do sometimes, just hold him and watch him and enjoy every part of being a mother.
The humorous parts are great too!! Matt's first fatherhood intro to changing diapers was a great one, while still in the hospital. He was working on changing a dirty diaper, and against all recommendations from others, he turned his head for just a second only to look back and find that Micah still had more to get out of his system! hilarious, but that's not all!!! As Matt is now trying get another wipe and diaper ready, Micah decides that since he is undressed anyways that this would be the best time to also release his juices. Yes, he is pooping and peeing at the same time while daddy is trying to contain the mess and I am traing to contain my laughter (which hurts since I am still healing!)
But this isn't it. We went to the doctor on day 4 and the first thing they had to do was strip him and weigh him. we got him naked and then when the nurse took him out of the blanket and put him on the scale, yep, you guessed it, he decided that was the best time to pee! Right as the nurse had turned her head, and all we could do was laugh as he showered himself and her paperwork that was a little too close!!! Too funny!
Then yesterday, Matt and I give Micah his first shower...this was a tramatic experience, I'm sure, as he was cold and naked and being introduced to water for the first time. So in his best timing, just before we start, we both look down and see water on his belly and in the tub, and on the floor nearby. Yep! Take his clothes off, and not sure if he retaliates, or just enjoys being butt naked when he goes to the bathroom. Early potty training?? maybe.
Here is the picture for a laugh!

Monday, December 15, 2008

New Addition

What a fabulous new addition to our family just in time for Christmas!! Micah David was born at 12:14 am on Dec 12, weighing 6 lbs and measuring 19 inches. He is SO cute. Of course I would have to say that, but he really is!!! We came home from the hospital on Dec 14, and as I am writing we are finishing out our first full day at home. I don't know if it will ever sink in that he is ours, but I am thoroughly enjoying every minute of my time with him.

Monday, December 8, 2008

It's way too early!

Way to early to be awake, that is...I am at 37 weeks and I know my sleep is so precious right now as I anxiously await my little bundle of joy, but I seem to hit a wall around 3 or 4 every morning, and today it wasn't even worth continuing to lie in bed looking at the ceiling...
I know I need to be trying to get as much sleep as I can right now, and I do try, and required bed rest has helped with extra naps during the day, but then at night, when I want to be the wee hours of the morning when my bed is cozy and there is really nothing exciting going on in the rest of the world......that's when I want to be sound asleep!!
So I have a snack, play on the internet, pray for a quick labor and delivery and a healthy baby boy, maybe read a little, and count down the time until my husband wakes up and I can have someone to talk to (and vent to about not sleeping!)
until then...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

false alarm!

So monday was fun (in a sense) but i wouldn't have asked to do it again...and i didn't...ask, that is...
so yesterday i had to go in for some follow-up testing for what i had done in the hospital on monday, a better look at my baby and his condition, plus my regular appointment to follow. i was excited to see my little guy again on the ultrasound and hopefully get some news from my doc that i had dilated even more...
well, i did get to see more of my baby (and besides getting a little sick from the position on my back) it was fun and he passed all of his "tests" with flying colors: breathing, swallowing, moving, he is such a good boy!!
and i did get news of more dilation, from 2 cm on monday to 4 cm yesterday! that's some nice progress!
so i figure that is it, now i go home and continue to try and figure out exactly what a contraction feels like, i mean, obviously my body is getting ready and i need to make sure i am paying full attention!!
BUT, my vision is still weird, my blood pressure is still high (of course they took it while i was not feeling well during the ultrasound) and they are also worried about the ratio of blood flow from me to the baby, so my doc says go home and get your bags and head back to the hospital. you mean, my bags! the ones i am supposed to take when i am going to deliver? yes, those, because if nothing changes, we may try and get this little guy out today. TODAY?!
i mean, i want to have him early, definitely before Christmas, but i don't think i was quite mentally prepared...
but we did as asked, and then headed back to the hospital, only to be asked by every single nurse that saw me what i was in for and what tests were supposed to be done to me??? for some reason i thought they should know this info and should not be going off of my lame terms that i might have overtly picked up from my doc, like, i don't know, something having to do with fluid and blood and baby???
well, confused or not, the tests were eeeevvveennnntttuuuaaalllyyy done on me, my blood pressure was monitored, the baby was monitored and after a lllooooonnngg and boring stay once again we were sent home...
so, i think we are a little more ready for the real thing now. the process of staying calm while loading stuff in the car, the route we have decided will be best to take, finding our way to the right floor and getting a's like we're pros! let's do this!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

crazy vision, crazy day...

ok, so i am not fond of going to the doctor's office, never really have been and i feel like they never truly know what it wrong, they just say "maybe this or maybe that" and prescribe costly medicine and send you home...most likely the reason i don't like spending the time or the money to go in in the first place!
but right now in my life, i have to remember that i have a baby inside of me, and thus i am not just trying to take care of myself, but i have to take care of the little guy seeing double progressively got worse over a few days, i decided it was best to call and not wait a couple more days for my next appointment, which led to me seeing a midwife about my issue and thus being sent to the local birthing center at the hospital to get blood here is where it got interesting, because i had gone in for the appointment quickly just trying to get in, but then ended up just waiting in the waiting room for about an hour and then assumed i would get some answers and then go home to eat lunch, but, NO...
i was told i needed to go to the hospital to get blood drawn and that way they could get the results right away, no waiting until the next this became our "dry run" visit to the birthing center since we had never been...and it's a good thing we did it, although at the time i had no idea how close it would be to the real thing...through some confusion and misguided directions, we finally ended up on the right floor and in the right ward, where i was given a "room". what!? i thought i was just giving some blood. then, no you need to get undressed and put on this robe while i get your bed ready...NO, you don't understand i am just giving blood...
well, i guess they had other things in mind, i ended up with the robe on, in the bed, being monitored for a few hours while the baby was also monitored and they happened to take blood at some point in there, while my poor husband (who has been sick over a week but is still the most supportive husband ever!) tried not to fall asleep while flipping through tv stations...
and remember, i have not eaten lunch and i had to give blood and they wouldn't let me eat anything until after the blood work came back...and i am a hungry, pregnant woman!
so, all of that to find out the baby looks good, my blood pressure looks good (except when they brought the needle in to take blood!) and my blood work looked good...and i am 70% effaced and 2 cm dilated...but i have also been put on bed rest! i think they just can't totally figure out why my vision is bad so they say bed rest and hope it gets better, but what does that look like when i am just weeks from a due date and trying to get everything for home and work in order while i still can??? ugh! plus, it is just boring!
i know there will be a time soon when i have a screaming baby and all i want is bed rest, but that time has not come and i am not really interested in laying around doing nothing for the time i think i'd like to just go ahead and give birth as soon as possible:):) a cute little early christmas present, i'd be ok with that!!!