Don't know much about this personally, since I haven't had to deal with it...but I am continually amazed by my son and how easily he has made transitions in his life!
Now, not everything is easy. Like he is getting more aware of not being in his crib for naps/sleeping if we are out or he is at my mom's house or a sitter's house...places he used to sleep fine at, but is now beginning to struggle. But otherwise, I would have to say I have had it pretty easy whenever we have tried to transition from one thing to another.
When he was about 4 months old, he went from the bassinet to his crib in one night. Granted, he had been taking naps in his crib already, but his first nap in his crib was no big deal either!
Micah LOVED being swaddled at night, and sometimes for naps. This really calmed him, helped him to sleep, and was a very nice and easy solution for us if sleeping was ever an issue. But he was getting too big and too strong to stay swaddled at night and would wake up whenever he would get an arm out, so we decided it was time to try normal sleeping. And he was fine. First night. No problems. As if it had never been any different for him!
Against all things we had read, we started using bottles within the first week of birth. Micah never had a problem eating, whether it was nursing with me or taking a bottle of my milk, as long as it was warm and it was milk, he was content. And when my supply started to deplete and I started supplementing with problem there either! And then when it was all bottles and all formula...nope, just another day in the life of Micah!
When I started not even worrying about warming up the formula I was afraid he might revolt against it. Not sure why, he hadn't revolted against anything else. And he didn't here either. Then I allowed plenty of time to help him transition from formula to straight milk, but he didn't need it. Within 3 days of started the transition and helping him use his new sippy cups for milk, he was done with formula and done with bottles. His decision. Easy decision. Another easy transition.
And most recently, the pacifier. I have never worried about it too much. I could always tell he wasn't totally dependent on it, but if it was around he would grab it and suck on it and go about his business. I think he just liked having something in his mouth, because if it wasn't around, he would find something else to carry around in his mouth. He did always have it for sleeping at night and for naps, but it would often end up in the crib or on the floor at some point during his sleep. But when he turned a year, I decided we would just use it for naps and at night for sleeping. I wasn't sure how this would had been a year and he was becoming much more aware of when things were missing...It has been one week and by about the fifth day he would take it out of his mouth at the end of his nap or in the morning and hand it to me for me to put in the new spot by the bed, waiting for the next amazing! No crying, no fighting it, no nothing.
I love my little angel! I know #2 may not be the easy and I may still not know what to do if transitions are hard since I haven't really had to deal with them, but for now, I am continually amazed by my son and his adaptability!