Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday's Fave Five: June 3

Not sure how it became June SO fast! Not sure how my youngest is 3 months old already. Not sure how we are almost halfway through the year already! I'm still getting used to saying 2010, and it's almost half over! Oh well, here are some things I am grateful for, some things that haven't totally slipped by without me noticing.

1. New glasses. I got some a couple weeks ago, but kept forgetting to mention it. But it's been exciting! It's my first pair in about 4 years, and I actually got 2 pair. I think that's the more exciting part. I don't wear makeup or jewelry (besides my wedding rings) so this fives me something to change about myself depending on my outfit. No pictures, but I got a nice black pair and a slightly funky green pair and this has been the most exciting thing for me when getting ready in the morning (or afternoon or evening or whenever I actually make it out of the house!).

2. Memorial Day Weekend. No expectations. No responsibilities (besides kids and family of course!). Lots of sun and water and time with family. Time to be relaxed. Time to be spontaneous. Time to just go with the flow and eat good food and have good conversation and enjoy life!

3. A fixed van. We bought a used van a while back. It's quirky. It's definitely used. We got what we paid for (or maybe less) and we try to see it as more of an adventure (when it randomly doesn't start) than a nuisance (when we have to crawl from driver's side to passenger side to unlock doors). This past weekend as I was leaving for church it wouldn't start at all. Usually we try a few times, slam a few doors harder, and eventually it comes on. Not this time. When hubs got home later he found some cables had come apart and just needed to be reattached and cleaned up a bit. No cost. No biggy. And it has started every time since!

4. Baking with a friend. It doesn't happen often, but it was nice. Nice to talk to someone my age. Nice to have someone else hold my baby that really loves to be held all the time. Nice to have some cookies to send home for her and her family. I'm inspired now to have more times like this in my week!
lots and lots of salad!

5. Enjoying my boy's stages. I know I mention them a lot, but they are a really big part of my life. And I really do enjoy them. Obviously not every. single. moment. of the day, but I do. I enjoy the stages they are in. The fact that they can wake up from a nap and look older to me. Like they aged during that 2 hour nap! The fact that my Micah (@ 17 months) is trying to repeat everything we say (also makes me think about what I am saying!) and it is cute how he tries to say some things. The fact that Micah can play with the same toy he played with 6 months ago, but now he plays with it differently, like really trying to stack the blocks instead of just knocking them over. The fact that both of their personalities are shining through and I can already see so many differences. The fact that they can show each other love at this age (Micah kissing Judah and Judah with big smiles at Micah in return). The fact that the world is theirs to explore and they get to discover new things each day. I love them a lot!

I am grateful this week. I have not been grateful every moment of this week, but this is always the perfect reminder of all that I have to be grateful for!

Head on over to Living to Tell the Story to read more favorites from the week.


Karen said...

Love your list. I got new glasses about a couple months ago and I still feel so 'smart' just wearing them! It's nice to have fun with something that you need and have to spend so much money on (groan).

And the quirky van -- got one of those, too!

So nice to hear how you are enjoying your little ones. The time goes so fast. Love your photos.

Cathie said...

What sweet babies you have. And thanks for sharing how you are enjoying and appreciating them. My granddaughter is 1, and so entrancing. I don't remember noticing so much about my own babies, but probably I did at the time. Thanks for the reminder.

Have a good week.

Angela said...

the really great part that I forgot to mention about my glasses (I tend to have a bad memory) is that I only paid $15 for each and ordered them on line without trying them on, and I still love them and they fit and work great!

Sandy@Jesus and Dark Choc said...

Isn't it funny how a simple thing like glasses can make you day!! :) I love that you are not a make-up wearer! :) I do wear make up to my job but in the summer when I am off school......too hot for make up!

Your boys sound so cute! Memorial Day weekend sounds wonderful! Love the time to be spontaneous, that usually leads to good memories!

Melissa said...

It's so important to look for the blessings. I think we tend to focus on what's wrong and overlook what's right.

New glasses are fun! I just got a new pair by mail order. I like the look, but the new prescription still gives me a headache. It's just a matter of adjusting.

Glad you had a good holiday weekend. Family time with no real responsibilities is terrific!

TXDidi said...

Although my children are long grown, I feel the same way about my little granddaughter. Every time I see a picture of her, it seems like she has changed so much. Enjoy every minute with your two precious ones.

Jerralea said...

I always love getting new glasses. It can really change one's look!

Isn't it great when hubby can fix what's wrong and you don't have to pay repair bills!

Brenda said...

How fun to bake with a friend! I always enjoy the opportunity to do that as well.

Of course you talk about your boys a lot, they are very important in your life and its great that you enjoy them.

Karyn said...

two pairs of glasses? How luxurious, you lucky girl.

I love the way you talk about your van promblems. LOL. Glad your hubby was able to find and fix the problem - maybe it will work even better than before now.

Baking with a friend would be much more fun than baking alone - I think.

I enjoy reading about how much you appreciate your boys and the stages they are in. They grow up so fast. Of course, there is something to appreciate in every stage, but this time when they are becoming people is so much fun!

You are obviously a good mom.

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

I loved reading about your boys. Isn't it fascinating how they grow and develop? What a miracle and blessing they are!

Two pair of glasses? That's great -- you get to choose every day! How neat.

I'm checking into FFF late this weekend (busy time), but wanted to stop by anyway. Happy week ahead!

Susanne said...

I love hearing the love and excitement for all the different changes and stages you experience with your boys. Makes me smile.

New glasses are fun. My daughter who doesn't even need glasses loves to try them all on and wishes she could by some frames just for accessory use.