Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My little man...

Micah is still changing every day. He is taking it all in. I don't think he misses anything. He repeats almost anything and everything we say, whether we are talking to him or not. He just repeats what he hears. He has a great vocabulary, especially since we are used to hearing what he is saying. I love it when  Matt and I are in a conversation and all of a sudden we realize Micah is playing in his own little world but repeating a word every few words as we talk. Smart kid. Scary to think about this.
He is finding his personality and trying to make it known. He is initially shy, but once he gets a little comfortable he acts like he owns the world. He is serious and timid. He is quite precious and quite cute!

He likes clothes and shoes. He loves to "help" with Judah. He still think Judah is a dog, or "dory," but he has learned to personalize this dog now as he calls him "Judory." So sweet that he has named his dog.Sometimes the help is not well-intentioned, as noted by the biting of the bottom lip, but we are learning brotherly love.

He has a special blanket now, his monkey blanket. HAS to have it in bed to go to sleep, and like to bring it out of his room every time he comes out from sleeping. He sleeps with a green pacifier. He has definitely gotten attached to it, but is very good about leaving it on his bed when he wakes.
Micah loves milk, bananas with peanut butter ("nanna butter"), fruit snacks (oh, how he loves his fruit snacks, which have to be saved for special or sometimes desperate moments), sweets (especially ice cream), special drinks (smoothies made with fruit and spinach), feeding himself.

Micah LOVES playing with trains and trucks, and he loves his new chair that we were recently and graciously given.

I really love that kid!

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