Monday, February 7, 2011

Snow Times

I have often talked about the boys and their differing personalities. This has once again shone through, this time while playing in the snow.
This was Micah's first time ever out in the snow, at 11 weeks, in Feb of 2009.
He was young and had no idea what was going on, except that maybe it was bright out there.
The following winter we had a few good snow storms for our area.
This is the first one, just after Micah turned 1. And this shows about how much he liked being out in it.
This is about a month and a half later and Micah is actually smiling about going outside. And he got a little more comfortable in the snow too.
Comfortable to eat it.
And to lay in it.
So, it took Micah a while, but he did eventually get comfortable in the snow...and that is just like his personality: a little slow to warm up to new things/people/environments.
And then there is Judah. This was his first time in the snow.
All in. First time.

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