Thursday, March 17, 2011

Trials of Potty Training, Try 2

One of Micah's prizes, a special car shirt to go along with the car theme we had at our "party."

I could grace you with pictures of our "success" but instead, I will refrain and only add pictures that you would be okay looking at during a meal...
This past week has renewed my hope! Seriously, after our first try, I was ready to throw in the towel and give up. And that's probably exactly what Micah wanted, to be in control of the situation. Instead, we kept reading. Not so much books and research and science, but reading stories from real people about what worked. We had gone the "boot camp" route, but we started reading more about the "potty party" route and decided it sounded like fun! We splurged. We bought more presents and prizes and decorations than we have for any birthday or holiday so far (since we have not personally given any gifts or decorated for birthdays or holidays, but that's another story...).
We stayed up late decorating the house, wrapping presents, and getting our plan in place. We started on a Wednesday this time since Tuesdays we have a sitter and didn't want to go all out one day and then go back to diapers for the sake of the sitter the very next day.
It took lots of energy, especially for two people who are not naturally overly energetic to begin with. But we were excited and we tried to get and keep Micah excited, from the moment he woke and for the remainder of the day. We had special snacks and drinks, prizes or presents each time there was success in the toilet, and lots of encouragement (especially in the midst of error).
So, this was the basis for where we started, and for the must wait while biting your nails in anticipation...

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