Thursday, March 8, 2012

New Camera, perks and drawbacks...

I recently got a new camera and I LOVE it!
I love almost everything about it. So far! Everything except the transfer to my computer.
Not the point.
One thing I do like is how fast it can take great pictures. And I love this with kids.
I was recently pushing Judah on a swing at the park, while simultaneously holding down the button to take fast pictures.
Judah was not going very high and asked to go higher. I pushed him a little higher. But I was not totally able to see how upset he was about how high I actually pushed him (because I was more focused on the camera and keeping him in the viewfinder) until he started screaming, and then not fully until I looked at the pictures later.
I have NEVER.EVER seen Judah scared like this. Micah, yes. Judah, not so much!

 Lucky for me, and for him, he tends to get over things VERY quickly. No hard feelings here.

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