Thursday, February 28, 2013

Judah is 3

Around this time three years ago, I succumb to the idea that I would not have a baby born in February. I thought for sure the little guy was coming early. Early enough to be born in February. Maybe we would share a birthday? But alas, it was not to happen.
Matt had an evening meeting and I was up a little later than normal.
I posted around 11 pm on Facebook something like, "I guess my baby won't be born in February after all, so I'm taking bets as to when he will be born."
About four hours later, I couldn't quite sleep. So I grabbed my iPod and posted something to the effect of "I can't sleep! I'm so excited to be holding my baby boy!"
Yep, Just a few short hours later I was already holding him! The long story.
He had a dramatic entrance into this world, and he is still my most dramatic boy.
Judah Matthew Carroll is turning three tomorrow.
At one point he was chunky.
But now, he is the littlest. He eats to survive. He rarely stops moving.
The most like Matt.
Has great shaggy hair.
Just starting pooping on the actual big-boy toilet seat.
Entertains himself quite easily. While he's alone. Or while he is surrounded by others.
Likes to take things apart and figure out how to put them back together. This isn't always a good thing.
He is so cute that it is hard to punish him.
 And he often gets out of punishment easier because he is sly and sneaky.
As a newborn, he wanted to be held more than the others, and he is still this way.
He loves taking his shirt of during "quiet time."
He warms up to new people quickly.
 He is the most agreeable. "ohhhkaaaay"
And he is turning 3!!!
Happy Birthday! We love you, Judah!

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