Thursday, July 22, 2010

Friday's Fave Five: July 23

Seems like I'm only getting this done every other week right now...but when I do it is such a great reminder to me of all that I have to be thankful for and all that has been going on! This week seems to have a theme of trying new things.

1. Sleeping changes. We only have one crib. We decided early on we would just use a pack n play for Judah until Micah was ready to move out of his crib. And when he is ready we have a toddler bed. There is a much bigger and funnier story for another post, but basically we are still putting Micah is the crib at night, but starting to use the toddler bed for naps. My little boy is growing up! These were pics we took late at night after we realized Micah needs more practice in the toddler bed before he goes through the night.

2. Judah trying cereal.  I think it took Micah a couple of weeks to be okay with something foreign being in his mouth. Judah seems to take to the spoon a little better already, but I don't think much cereal has actually been swaddled. But, it's a fun new adventure!

3. Judah wrapped differently. Some friends of ours let us in a a slight variation they do of the swaddle wrap. It's worked great! Actually, as long as my husband does it. He was away last night and the little man fought his way out. He is SO strong! But it is helping to take sleeping to a new level. A through-the-night-sleeping-soundly level!

4. Self-entertainment. I do my best to enjoy my sons and play with them and entertain them. But I also do my best to make sure they know how to do this for themselves. While Micah was in the basement he found some old yard sale stickers and decided he knew the perfect thing to do with them. This occupied a good chunk of time...all by himself...ahhh..

5. Self-feeding. Micah just decided one day recently that it was time to start feeding himself. He gets pretty upset now if we don't let him. It's a little messier and takes a little longer, but it is also great fun to watch him learn and try and master the art of feeding himself!
The boys bring me great joy and delight. And they are growing up oh so very fast! It's new everyday, and that's one of the great things about being a mom!


Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

Your boys look like SO much fun!

I'm all for swaddling. It worked for me with four sons. Love the self-entertainment picture. I can think of messier things for him to be doing on his own.

I think half the battle is trying to decide what to let them do (even though they learn it takes forever and is messy) and what to do for them. Looks like you have a great balance.

Brenda said...

Children bring us so much joy, it sounds like you week has been full of wonderful moments with yours.

Melissa said...

Great list! You'll remember these special moments and smile at the memories. I especially like the first two photos. :)

Cindy said...

The transition from the crib to the bed can be hard but they will end up sleeping together in the long run good job you didn't buy two cribs.

Stickers, ya I remember how much fun they were, I believe I got in a few naps with a pack of stickers

Debbie said...

Oh, those pictures are so sweet. I miss those baby days--my youngest is 10.

Jerralea said...

How cute!

I think swaddling works very well. I didn't know about it with my first two ...

It's fun to look back and remember my kids learning to feed themselves ...

Mary said...

Thanks for the smiles! Your boys are just adorable! LOVE the stickers!

Willow said...

I smiles all the way through your faves. What sweet boys you have!
Have a great weekend!

Susanne said...

Isn't that the primary purpose of yard sale stickers is to decorate oneself? LOL. So so cute.