Thursday, December 2, 2010

All About Judah

Judah is crawling like crazy! He always crawls on his knees (Micah always crawled on his belly) and he is quite fast. He did get his first bloody mouth recently from crawling and his arms giving out, which made him hit his mouth on the floor.
It's not just about the crawling, though. It's more about where he is crawling to. It is usually because there is a destination that involves pulling himself up onto something. A coffee table, a wall, my often ends up being things that roll or that are too light to hold him, but he'll try to stand up on anything. After he started crawling, he was very quick to find the stairs and very quick to be brave and started crawling up the stairs! One day I found the boys sitting on the stairs playing together! Judah is definitely not as cautious as Micah, and when I say "No" in my stern voice so he knows I am serious about him not going upstairs, he just looks at me and laughs!!
And a new favorite is to stand by the window at the front door so he can look outside.
Just like Micah used to do...
From the looks of these pictures, it looks as though Judah may end up with a fuller head of hair than Micah. Too funny!
Judah still just has his too bottom teeth, but there is a good bit of swelling on the bottom gums and I keep waiting for more to pop through. Either way, he definitely puts things in his mouth a lot more than Micah ever did. Gotta watch him closer!
But I don't mind watching him, since he is so darn cute!

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