Monday, December 6, 2010

Favorite Things...

Some of Micah's favorite things to do:

Play hide and seek. It's cute when he covers his eyes because he is "hiding" or when he just goes somewhere and turns his head to "hide." "If I can't see you, then you can't see me, right?"
Playing Peek-a-boo. He loves playing this with us, but is also learning that Judah loves when Micah plays this with him too. So cute to watch them play together!
Playing with the random cats that live in the neighborhood.

Wearing our shoes around the house. He puts them on himself, and seems so proud as he walks in them. This picture also reveals one of his first times "posing" for the camera. He normally gets shy and turns away, or else immediately tries to look through the camera before the picture is taken. But he is learning to let his picture be taken and then he can immediately come and look at it.
Eating sweets. Just like his mom, he definitely has a sweet tooth... there's some stylish bed-head going on here as well.

Favorite color: orange. EVERYthing is orange right now.

Favorite way to do things: "do it self" (mr. independent)

Favorite thing to say/question to ask: "whatsat?" (as in, "What's that?" and it is always said in such a curious and cute way as he loves taking in everything there is to take in of the world around him)

There are more, but I'll save them for another day and another time...

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