Thursday, September 25, 2008

From bump to volleyball....

It's funny how proud I was of each little bump in my stomach along the way, and now how funny it is to look back and see why maybe it was hard for others to tell that I even had a "bump". But when I was looking back over my progress last night, I realized the huge jump between 20 and 26 weeks!! Just 6 weeks and he really ballooned inside of me, to about the size of a volleyball:):) I havn't done as good as I wanted to with taking progressive pics of my belly, but these definitely show the growth!!


marilee said...

yep, he's getting bigger every day! just about 3 more months and he gets to come out and play! :)

Christin said...

You're stinkin' adorable with that little bitty belly! No doubt about that. So how could anything you carry in that womb of yours NOT be completely gorgeous??!!
