Tuesday, December 2, 2008

crazy vision, crazy day...

ok, so i am not fond of going to the doctor's office, never really have been and i feel like they never truly know what it wrong, they just say "maybe this or maybe that" and prescribe costly medicine and send you home...most likely the reason i don't like spending the time or the money to go in in the first place!
but right now in my life, i have to remember that i have a baby inside of me, and thus i am not just trying to take care of myself, but i have to take care of the little guy too...so.....after seeing double progressively got worse over a few days, i decided it was best to call and not wait a couple more days for my next appointment, which led to me seeing a midwife about my issue and thus being sent to the local birthing center at the hospital to get blood taken....now here is where it got interesting, because i had gone in for the appointment quickly just trying to get in, but then ended up just waiting in the waiting room for about an hour and then assumed i would get some answers and then go home to eat lunch, but, NO...
i was told i needed to go to the hospital to get blood drawn and that way they could get the results right away, no waiting until the next day...so this became our "dry run" visit to the birthing center since we had never been...and it's a good thing we did it, although at the time i had no idea how close it would be to the real thing...through some confusion and misguided directions, we finally ended up on the right floor and in the right ward, where i was given a "room". what!? i thought i was just giving some blood. then, no you need to get undressed and put on this robe while i get your bed ready...NO, you don't understand i am just giving blood...
well, i guess they had other things in mind, i ended up with the robe on, in the bed, being monitored for a few hours while the baby was also monitored and they happened to take blood at some point in there, while my poor husband (who has been sick over a week but is still the most supportive husband ever!) tried not to fall asleep while flipping through tv stations...
and remember, i have not eaten lunch and i had to give blood and they wouldn't let me eat anything until after the blood work came back...and i am a hungry, pregnant woman!
so, all of that to find out the baby looks good, my blood pressure looks good (except when they brought the needle in to take blood!) and my blood work looked good...and i am 70% effaced and 2 cm dilated...but i have also been put on bed rest! i think they just can't totally figure out why my vision is bad so they say bed rest and hope it gets better, but what does that look like when i am just weeks from a due date and trying to get everything for home and work in order while i still can??? ugh! plus, it is just boring!
i know there will be a time soon when i have a screaming baby and all i want is bed rest, but that time has not come and i am not really interested in laying around doing nothing for the time being...so i think i'd like to just go ahead and give birth as soon as possible:):) a cute little early christmas present, i'd be ok with that!!!

1 comment:

Matthew Carroll said...

Haha...I love you and your amazing writing abilities! What a day... what a day!