Thursday, May 13, 2010


Micah has his seasons mixed up. We are coming in on spring (and some days it already feels like summer) but he is hibernating.
The kid loves to sleep, and he knows when he needs it, so I don't try to take it away from him. Two nights ago he slept for about 17 hours, yesterday he was awake (total, over the course of the day) less than 3 hours, and then last night he slept for 18 hours!
Yes, I did check on him a couple of times and he was fine. And he woke up very happy, and he ate a good bit to make up for lost time, and now-a mere two hours after his 18 hour hibernation-he is back in bed! At his request.
He is loving him some sleep and I hope his little brother learns to love sleep as much as he does!

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