Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Talkative Boys

Judah is much more "talkative" than Micah ever was! I think a part of this is because he is constantly hearing Micah talk and he wants to do the same. I think part of it is just the difference in his personality... he is babbling a lot, especially when others are talking and he wants it to be known that he is in the room too!
Micah has been a great "repeater" of words. I don't know what is normal, but he tries to say everything we say, and although it may not be quite as clear as we would say it, in context we can understand most everything he tries to say. And just last week he decided that he was going to start forming sentences. They are only two and three words, but it is so cute! "Kick the ball" and "Throw it mommy" are so sweet coming out of his little mouth. He's such a smart little fella.
In other news...I think Micah might be a pro soccer player one day. Either that, or a swimmer. He has picked up both really well...and I don't mean in a 19 month old sort of way...I mean, he really has some good form. and skill!

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