Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Sleep Patterns

Micah has recently changed his sleeping pattern up a bit. For the longest time, he would easily take 2 2-3 hour naps a day, as well as sleeping from 7 pm-7 am each night. Around the time we hit daylight saving, he changed this up a bit. Could be the change in light (although he is still sleeping later even though it gets light earlier) or the change in having a baby brother...or that he loves playing hard and just wants to stay awake and keep playing. Either way, I knew we would eventually hit a stage where he would more likely just take one nap during the day and we are pretty close to that, depending on the day. He often still spends another "nap time" in his room but I can usually hear him contentedly playing in his crib. I think he just enjoys the alone time for a bit. And he has gradually pushed his bed time back a bit so it is closer to 8:30, but he is still getting in about 12 hours most nights. He just sleeps in later now. It will be interesting to see how Judah's sleep patterns happen differently than Micah' it more environment or genetics?

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