Friday, June 5, 2009

I've Created a Monster!

OK, not really. OF course.

But I am creating a momma's boy. Or else he is going through the stage of wanting to be a momma's boy.

To be perfectly honest, there are definitely parts about it that I like. I mean, who doesn't love it that their kid reaches out for them. Cries for them. Can't get calmed down without them. I like that I can do this for Micah. It is cute. In a weird sort of way.

But I know this is not good and I know it makes life very hard. This has been a gradual process over the past couple of weeks and I thought it mostly had to do with his teething.

Micah has 2 teeth now!!

But both teeth are through and it is getting worse. I thought he was not feeling good and wanting to be with me. But I think it might be more. I think it might be a stage. And it's not just strangers. (Strangers to him, not to us. No, I would NOT hand my son to a stranger!) It's people he has been with before and been comfortable with before. It's my husband! This is NOT good.

Especially when I am getting ready to go out of town. Without him! If he doesn't get over this before I leave, I suppose he will have to while I am gone...

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