Friday, June 26, 2009

More on the Food

I wrote the other day about trying peas and carrots together and how Micah did with it. He LOVES carrots. He did OK with the mixture. Didn't seem real excited but seemed interested. Mostly it just seemed harder for him to eat the skins of the peas...
Well, I had some more of the mixture from the batch I had made originally, so we decided to finish it off tonight. And I remembered to get the camera out.
He has had a bite or so (as you can easily see that Dad is feeding him!) here.

Seems to be doing OK. Not getting it all in his mouth, of course, but some of it seems to be going down.

As you can see, he is not overly thrilled, but is still (cautiously) opening his mouth.

He is cleaned up now. Not real sure that he wants to look at what he is supposed to be eating. And definitely not sure that he wants to be eating this at all. We keep trying...

But then we get the ultimate answer as to how he really feels about the peas and carrots:

I don't think we will be finishing the peas and carrots any time soon!

I mixed up some peaches and bananas after this and he got very excited about the fruit!
For a view of what it looks like when he really does enjoy his food...

Arms open and ready. Mouth WIDE open in eager anticipation. A much better response to the good stuff!

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