Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Foods

This has been a great week of trying new foods. Some he has had before, some he has not. This is our first week trying to combine foods (other than something with cereal) and it has been great.

Earlier in the week I mixed avocado with banana. I think this helped him eat the avocado better than he has in the past by itself. I only mashed the banana for these meal and I think that he is not quite ready for this level, but he did eat it.

Last night we tried combining peas and carrots. He has always loved carrots, but this is our first time with peas. I do not have a mill, so I think the skins were a bit harder for him, but he did eat it. He just spent more time concentrating on what to do with it once it was in his mouth.

And today I tried cantaloupe mixed with banana. I had some cantaloupe that was a little soft when I cut it up for us a bit ago, so i put the soft pieces in the freezer for a while. Got them out and thawed them before pureeing them with half a banana. It was probably about 4-5 ounces of food (at least!) and he ate it all. I think it helped to have the banana fully pureed for now, so we will stick with that for a while before trying to mash them again.

I love trying new foods (for us and for him) and I am very excited that he seems to enjoy trying new foods as well. And it's all homemade. FABulous!

I'll remember to take pictures next time. It's more fun with photos!

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