So we probably won't always give him a bath 2 days in a row, but the 2nd one was a necessity! We were just doing a routine change of the diaper before a feeding and Micah was very unusually content with having his diaper changed. It was wet but barely dirty, and Matt was just about the put the clean one on when all of a sudden we heard the sound...the juicy sound that often comes from his rear and is hilarious when he has his diaper on, but this is the first time we were able to see in action how projectile this sound really is. It almost went off the end of the changing table, liquid projectile that covered the table and we could hardly contain our laughter as he just lay there in it not really knowing what was going on...
So, just about the time that is getting all cleaned up, again, noises from down below and more grainy yellow mustard oozing from below, but this time it wasn't as projectile, so it came out and started to role down his back...again with the uncontrollable laughter and yet Micah has hardly even flinched at all that is going as i am at his head lifting up his legs for Matt to clean his back and butt, his little man part is facing me and this is when he decides it is time to pee, all over me and his belly and face...more laughter, and at this point we decide the bath is necessary. So we give him a warm bath that he loves, and just as we take him out and put him in daddy's arms on the towel, he has another urge to relieve himself...luckily in the towel and not on dad...good thing we left the water still in the bath! So we put him back in the water and rinse him off once again. This time we get another towel and get him out again, only to hear the noise and quickly hold him over the tub. When we set him in again to rinse off his behind, he realizes he must relieve himself again, spraying his urine up towards his head before Matt quickly directs it off to the side!! At this point, I am not totally sure how clean he really is, but we hardly dry him off before putting on a diaper and clothes quicker than ever in the hopes of all of us not getting sprayed anymore!! All the way, he is so content, so happy, not a care in the world, and I am sure feeling much better now that all of that junk is out of his belly!! Good times to remember!!